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Without asking and without listening?

If we did not ask and listen, we would not be successful. This is part of our corporate culture. For many other companies, too. And if you now say: 'Yes, that is how it is with us too', then that is good news. But you have probably experienced it too: In a pilot project, everything works perfectly, everyone is happy. Then comes the normal working day - and with every day that production is up and running, one good idea after another about how the product that was found to be "good" in the pilot project could be made even better. But suddenly there is no one left to listen to what you would like to see, what you suggest. And now?

Your feedback for improving the product is not being heard? Do you even have the impression that your suggestions are considered "annoying"? Of course, you have all informed yourselves well in advance and, of course, you have tested everything and taken a close look at it before you have purchased and implemented something for production. After all, you want everything to run faster, better and more practically. But in the end your plan does not come true because there are problems here and there? It is a pity if you cannot actively improve now, is it not?

That is how it will be at some point with the use of predictive maintenance: In order for you to really benefit from predictive maintenance, you will have to be listened to. This is the only way to develop something that every maintenance engineer will be happy to work with every day and successfully for the company. Predictive maintenance is a complex topic, as is digitalisation. Your maintenance staff know what is going well in production and what can or even must be improved with predictive maintenance. Successful predictive maintenance therefore depends on the experience of your experts. For this reason, we not only react to feedback, but actively work on our product on the basis of feedback from maintenance staff and make it better. We ask your maintenance staff what we can do better. We listen. This is how we create something that can be used to do maintenance really well.

Admittedly, in real life things usually look different: Many established companies find it difficult to deal with the feedback culture.

If a large corporation X has developed a product in the area of predictive maintenance, then it can only be perfect. In the best case, you are allowed to pay dearly for change requests; in the worst case, your feedback is ignored. In production, this means that maintenance staff are usually presented with a supposedly good solution from 'big suppliers' and have to deal with it. Whether they can cope with it is completely irrelevant. It also does not matter whether these are the right tools and solutions.

Predictive maintenance is not an 'off-the-shelf' product.

Young, but above all agile companies work differently: they integrate feedback quickly and with commitment. Even more, the maintenance staff are already part of the solution and help shape their own working environment. You could also say: Predictive maintenance and immobile, rigid companies do not go together. Agile companies, on the other hand, do. Predictive maintenance is not an 'off-the-shelf' product. Every maintenance is a little different, because the plants, the machines, the processes in every company are always different. Agile companies can adapt flexible solutions such as our predictive maintenance tool, the Ultrasound Condition Monitoring System. You want to know exactly? You guessed it: Talk to us!

Author: DI. Mag. Markus Loinig


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