One way to lower operating costs is to reduce energy consumption. On the one hand, this can be achieved simply by modernising plants, if newer, more energy-efficient technologies can be used. On the other hand, it is also sufficient to improve the lubrication in plants. Because it is a fact: the better and more reliable the lubrication, the higher the energy savings. How you can use ultrasonic measurements to determine the reliability of lubrication and thus simultaneously reduce energy consumption, emissions and operating costs is quickly explained.
If you convert one form of energy into another, some of the usable energy is lost. This can be very costly. However, such energy loss can be reduced by reducing friction, because: The greater the contact between two moving surfaces, the greater the friction. More energy is therefore needed to move the surfaces relative to each other. Friction thus leads to a higher energy demand. Lubricants can reduce this friction. If friction is reduced, less power is needed to drive a gearbox, compressor, pump or other device. Therefore, lubrication plays an important role in reducing energy demand.
The cost of lubricants is negligible compared to the cost of energy.
Nevertheless, you should not conclude now that simply buying an expensive lubricant automatically guarantees maximum lubrication performance and energy savings. Rather, the lubricant must be appropriate for the application and, like all electromechanical equipment, it must be properly maintained (proper storage, handling, filtration, oil analysis, training, etc.) so that maximum performance can be expected.
This is the only way to guarantee maximum efficiency, to minimise, if not completely prevent, unplanned downtime. Put simply: insufficient maintenance increases energy consumption.
So why not take a closer look and use measurements to determine whether a system is working properly, all parameters are correct and lubricants are being used in the best possible way? The best way to detect lubrication conditions is with the help of ultrasound. Since friction generates ultrasonic frequencies, it is possible to quickly determine the current lubrication conditions. As a result, action can be taken quickly, which provides security and guarantees efficiency.
There are several important reasons to reduce energy consumption, such as conserving natural resources, reducing emissions and improving profitability. The key to success is to focus on reliable maintenance solutions that maximise equipment efficiency. An important part of this is checking the lubrication conditions in the plants.
Author: DI. Mag. Markus Loinig