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AI Trainer Software
Train your own AI models with just a few clicks
Quickly and reliably distinguish damaged from undamaged components
Easy handling due to automated evaluation by means of artificial intelligence
Transparency of the parameters used
Performance score shows accuracy
Automatic storage of trained AI models
AI models can be added to the main software
Demo video
Anker 1
Application areas
Leak detection (e.g. pressured air/gas)
Lubrication (e.g. optimise lubrication cycles)
Material cracks (e.g. detect cracks to avoid downtimes)
Corrosion (e.g. aerospace)
Valves (e.g. steam valves)
Tightness testing (e.g. ships, containers)
Cavitation (e.g. pumps)
Electric (e.g. electric arc detection)
Anker 2
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